MatchWorks has a long and successful history as an Employment Services Provider, focussing on improving and enriching the lives of individuals through pathways to ongoing, sustainable employment and providing effective recruitment solutions for employers.
Our organisation has been a leading provider of employment services in Australia for 18 years –operating across Victoria, South Australia and Queensland delivering jobactive and Disability Employment Services contracts on behalf of the Federal Government.
At MatchWorks we value building relationships and working together with a large selection of employers to provide employment opportunities. We have developed strong networks and long lasting relationships with many employers across a broad range of industries and within many communities.
MatchWorks is a division of Karingal – a community services organisation providing a range of services for people with a disability or mental illness, older Australians and those who are disadvantaged.
We are proud to be part of the National Workforce Network, which brings together six foundation providers and a number of casual partners with established success in the employment industry.
The NWN allows MatchWorks to offer their employers the same quality services from a broader national perspective through its association with NWN providers who source suitable job seekers in any location. It also means we can source more job seekers for larger recruitment drives going beyond our own pool of job seekers. NWN employers have one point of contact to ensure their recruitment needs are met wherever they operate within Australia.
The NWN continues to produce outstanding results for both employers and job seekers, and MatchWorks is committed to the network’s ongoing success.
For more information about MatchWorks visit
MatchWorks Acting Executive Director
Mark McCoy