Access to a broad candidate pool…
By using one employment services provider, an employer only gets access to job seekers registered with that provider, however, employers who use National Workforce Network (NWN) services get access to candidates from a range of NWN partner providers.
A larger candidate pool means employers will get a broader range of job seekers, leading to a shortlist of quality candidates who are pre-screened, interviewed and ready to work.
Access to a broad range of complimentary services and expertise…
The NWN is aligned with several registered training organisations (RTOs) and community services organisation that support job seekers and employers.
Australian Apprenticeship Services, Indigenous support services like VTEC, RTO’s, and Labour Hire services are all part of NWN service delivery.
Our partners have years of experience working within the employment services industry and use that expertise to identify the best candidates suitable for your business.
The NWN has access to both jobactive and Disability Employment Services job seekers, and can also organise access to a range of wage subsidies which supports ongoing employment.
To find out more about NWN Exclusive Benefits, please Contact Us.